Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Infolink (and why you need them)

One of the goals of the Vitamin A blog is to acquaint individuals both coming to the University, and already at the University, with the different services around Campus. One of the most important services, and the first service in what will now be referred to as a "Services Round-Up" is Infolink. 

And who better to explain Infolink than the manager, Hallie:

"At InfoLink, we strive to be a comprehensive student information source for all things university-related. We specialize in academic information, but are able to assist with any question related to the campus community. You've got questions; we've got answers!"

With that being said, here is the latest in the series of "30 Seconds with...": Erin!

1 comment:

  1. I would like it to be known that I am in that picture and, thusly, feel famous.

    Thank you.
