Monday, June 15, 2009

The Birth of the Vitamin A Blog

Vitamin A is a transition program run by the University of Alberta Student's Union, with the goal of aiding in the transition of students to and through the University of Alberta. Vitamin A uses a multi-pronged approach to reach this goal, and consists of four programs: Vitamin A Q&A, the Vitamin A Seminar Program, the Vitamin A Passport Program, and Vitamin A Campus Connection. 

Vitamin A Q&A is just that, a question-and-answer email service run by the Vitamin A Coordinator. The VAC (that would be me) will answer any non-academic question about student life at the University, and if I don't know the answer, I will refer you to someone who does. 

The Vitamin A Seminar Program consists of informational seminars on a variety of topics to improve your University experience. Some of last year's seminars included how to say green on campus, studying abroad, and essay writing. This year, we plan to have even more seminars for students.

The Vitamin A Passport Program rewards students for being involved in campus events. At official Passport events, students will receive passport stamps that they can redeem for a chance to win some fantastic prizes.

Vitamin A Campus Connection offers the best chance to get involved and network on campus. The group meets once a month for planned events both on and off-campus, and is made up of members from a variety of SU services and other University organizations. 

For more information, please visit the Vitamin A website at

Now why does Vitamin A need a blog? To keep you even more up to date on events and so that you can keep in touch with the Vitamin A community through video blog postings, surveys and anything else we manage to post on the blog. You can also interact with the community by posting and subscribing to the RSS feed. 

Keep an eye on the page throughout the summer for more information about the program, as well as previews of the year to come.




  1. Congratulations on new life! The anticipation was worth it. Teehee

  2. Hi,
    I am The assistant editor with I really liked your site and I am interested in building a relationship with your site. We want to spread public awareness. I hope you can help me out. Your site is a very useful resource.

    Please email me back with your URl in subject line to take a step ahead an to avoid spam.

    Thank you,
    Lisa Hope

  3. very good event so i will get more and recent information about vitamins
